Channel: ReliefWeb - Training Opportunities
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World: Training of Trainers - ENTRi Off-The-Shelf Training Package (English, French and Portuguese versions)

Organization: Center for International Peace Operations
Country: World

Crisis management and peacebuilding missions rely on the availability of well-prepared individuals. The design and delivery of well structured, effective educational programmes that meet organisational and individual needs are wholly reliant upon the abilities of the trainers entrusted with imparting the requisite knowledge and skills to their learners. For this reason, this free training package aims to be a guide to good practice in designing and delivering training.

It contains core information that will help to strengthen and/or refresh the knowledge and skills of personnel and subject-matter experts delivering training events in civilian crisis management missions worldwide.

You will get access to:

  • a ToT Facilitator's Guide
  • a ToT Participant's Manual
  • ToT course presentation slides
  • ToT course templates (agenda, course concept, logistical information, participant list)
  • ToT handouts

By passing on the lessons that the ENTRi consortium partners have collected on their own and through their peers over many years of conducting training, we hope to extend the impact and knowledge to future projects and generations.

By sharing effective training techniques, tested methodologies, critical learning objectives, sample session plans and templates, amongst others, we aim at saving you precious time and resources.

How to register:

This training package has been developed to provide a sustainable and free resource to trainers and subject matter experts worldwide. Just click here for the English version or here for the Portuguese one.
Alternatively, click on the download button on the ENTRi packages website, fill out a short anonymous questionnaire and proceed to the download.

World: Droit de l'Homme - ENTRi Off-The-Shelf Training Package (French)

Organization: Center for International Peace Operations
Country: World

Crisis management and peacebuilding missions rely on the availability of well-prepared individuals. The training packages are available for free and contain core information and materials that will help strengthen or refresh the knowledge and skills of training organisers and subject-matter experts delivering or implementing trainings worldwide.

The packages can be edited and adapted according to need and local context. They include tested methodologies and learning objectives that captured past lessons learned of training providers. A dedicated ENTRi working group on package development was created for the task, consisting of eight members, all of which are experienced training institutes.

You will get access to:

  • a Human Rights Facilitator's Guide
  • Comprehensive HR course presentation slides
  • Sample In and Out Tests

How to register:

This training package has been developed to provide a sustainable and free resource to trainers and subject matter experts worldwide. Just click here for the English version.
Alternatively, click on the download button on the ENTRi packages website, fill out a short anonymous questionnaire and proceed to the download.

Philippines: Defining Outcomes: Participatory Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

Organization: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction
Country: Philippines
Registration deadline: 05 Jul 2019
Starting date: 05 Aug 2019
Ending date: 11 Aug 2019

This course is grounded on IIRR’s decades-long experience doing participatory monitoring, evaluation and learning in Asia and Africa. This course is suitable for planning, monitoring and evaluation officers, program officers, project managers, research and extension officers, community facilitators, and advocacy workers.

Course Description

This course examines participatory monitoring, evaluation and learning (PMEL) as a support to program/project management and sustainability. PMEL is a strategy that strengthens participation,
enhances local capacity, and increases local people’s confidence and control over development
decisions and processes.

Drawing from a range of significant experiences, this course also highlights key elements that enrich the PMEL process and system. You will be equipped with tested methods, tools, and techniques.


By the end of this course, you shall have:
• articulated the rationale of PMEL within the context of paradigm shifts in development work;
• acquired knowledge and skills in engaging communities and co-designing monitoring and
evaluation framework with them;
• reflected on the application of PMEL within the context of your own organization, program, or
project, and
• identified ways to improve your current practices in monitoring, evaluation, and learning.


This course will use participatory methods to stimulate learning and facilitate discussions and sharing processes. You will do case analysis, small group exercises, and field work. You will spend 1-2 days with select organization members where appropriate tools may be used.

Module 1. Overview of PMEL and Organizational Learning
This module presents concepts and principles of PMEL and the theoretical underpinnings of participatory approaches. It includes discussion of elements that support the establishment and maintenance of PMEL in the context of development organizations.

Module 2. Participatory Approaches, Toolsand Methods
Program sustainability is linked to participation and ownership of stakeholders. This module focuses on different participatory approaches, methods, and tools that can be employed to effectively engage communities to be active actors and learners during the project period and beyond.

Module 3. Designing and Facilitating PM&E
This module will look into strategies in designing measurement frameworks with communities. Local actors must have a good understanding of the value of the PMEL process and the requirements in implementing it. Your facilitative role in the entire process and the necessary attitudes and skills to make PMEL possible are emphasized.

Module 4. Action Planning
You will analyze your own organization/program/project situation and needs and apply key lessons
learned from the course. You are expected to implement this when you return to your respective

How to register:

Apply now

Send your requests for application to: education.training@iirr.org

Philippines: Engaging Communities for Climate Change Adaptation Actions for Food and Livelihood Security

Organization: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction
Country: Philippines
Registration deadline: 09 Aug 2019
Starting date: 09 Sep 2019
Ending date: 15 Sep 2019

This course is grounded on IIRR’s decades-long experience in Asia and Africa addressing food security at the household level using regenerative agricultural approaches. This course is suitable for people working in the field of agriculture, nutrition, natural resource-based livelihoods, and climate change adaptation.

Course description

Climate change has a considerable impact on the food security and livelihoods of rural communities. Effective and sustainable interventions are linked to the engagement of stakeholders in identifying risks and possible actions. Small holder agriculture and family farming are now recognized as important platforms for delivery on scale.

This course introduces basic concepts, emerging trends and issues, and facilitation strategies that
address challenges brought by climate change. You will engage with practitioners of well-proven
innovations that increase the resilience of rural communities against climate risks. You will be
introduced to participatory approaches through field visits to rural areas where community-based
adaptation processes are practiced.


By the end of this course, you shall have:

  • Gained understanding of basic concepts, principles, and approaches to sustaining natural resource-based livelihoods, and household food security and nutrition;
  • Increased awareness on the risks and vulnerabilities posed by climate change to food security and livelihoods;
  • Gained skills and knowledge in participatory approaches that manage food security risks and vulnerabilities; and
  • Identified innovative approaches for improving their respective food security and livelihood initiatives.


This is a field-based and experiential learning with minimal classroom discussions. At least 4 learning sites will be visited where you can interact with farmers, researchers, extension workers, and innovators.

Module 1. Basic Concepts: Climate ChangeAdaptation, Resilience, Food Security andNutrition
Key concepts and relevant development frameworks will be discussed to broaden analysis of current challenges. This will provide you with a solid conceptual basis when partnering with communities to tackle climate change issues.

Module 2. Engaging Communities inClimate Change Adaptation Work
You will be exposed to participatory approaches in innovation development and community planning like participatory technology development, participatory action research, and community adaptation planning. Process of setting up climate smart villages, which IIRR has championed, will be discussed thoroughly.

Module 3. Managing Challenges andBuilding Resilience
Discussions include farming systems and proven technologies that help sustain agriculture economies like enterprise diversification, which increase farm resilience. Scaling and sustainability
approaches will be discussed. Communities’ access to resources for resilience building can
be widened through collaboration with different stakeholders.

Module 4. Action Planning
You will prepare an action plan that synthesizes lessons learned from the course and translate
these into actions that will improve your climate change programs/projects. Facilitator(s) will
ensure that action plans are based on the your field realities and organization and program thrusts.

How to register:

Apply now

Send your requests for application to: education.training@iirr.org

Myanmar: Climate-Smart and Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture: Delivering on the New Challenge

Organization: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction
Country: Myanmar
Registration deadline: 13 Sep 2019
Starting date: 14 Oct 2019
Ending date: 20 Oct 2019

This course uses an innovative “roving workshop” methodology developed by IIRR in the 1990s and tested in Guatemala, Kenya, Cambodia, and the Philippines. This time, the course is set in Myanmar where IIRR, in partnership with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Canada and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), has established climate-smart villages in four different agro-ecological and socio-cultural settings. This course is intended for professionals in the government, non-government organizations, and private sector working on agriculture, food security, and nutrition programs.

Course Description

This course enables you to learn and reflect on strategies that make agriculture responsive to the
nutritional needs of families and to the changing environment. Climate-smart agriculture (CSA)
concepts facilitate the development of innovations and adaptation measures, taking into consideration local capacities and resources. Nutrition-sensitive agriculture (NSA) concepts and approaches ensure that agriculture programs generate food security and nutrition outcomes at the household level. You will also be introduced to the the concept of Climate-Smart Villages (CSVs), which raises the awareness of farming communities on CSA’s technological, institutional, and policy options that can increase their resilience and productivity while reducing environmental foot prints.


By the end of this course, you shall have:

  • Gained thorough understanding of CSA and NSA concepts, principles and relevant approaches;
  • Recognized the issues and impact of climate change to agricultural systems and rural communities;
  • Acquired knowledge of participatory approaches in engaging communities to participate in community-based adaptation process; and
  • Learned adaptation practices implemented in CSVs in 2 agro-ecological zones in Myanmar.


This is a field-based learning with minimal classroom discussions. Learning sites in Myanmar will be visited where you can interact with farmers, researchers, and innovators.

Module 1. Understanding Climate SmartAgriculture and Nutrition SensitiveAgriculture Concepts
The links between the development process, food insecurity and undernutrition, and the environment will be examined through conceptual frameworks. The role of agricultural systems in meeting the nutritional needs of families and communities will be explored.

Module 2. Designing Programs andEngaging Communities for CSA/NSA Work
You will have an overview of participatory approaches useful in enhancing and designing food security and nutrition innovations and programs in consideration of climate change challenges. You will visit CSVs to be exposed to different agricultural systems and to interact with farmers/innovators and researchers.

Module 3. Sustaining and Scaling CSA/NSAPrograms
Different pathways to strengthen, sustain and scale up innovative CSA/NSA programs will be discussed. You will identify ways to utilize evidences to infl uence government policies and
mainstream within the wider development sector.

Module 4. Action Planning You will prepare an action plan identifying food security programs/activity taking into account your national or community’s food security context to strengthen people’s resilience in coping with threats to food security. Climate change adaptation and mitigation measures are to be integrated in the action plan.

How to register:

Send your requests for application to: education.training@iirr.org

World: Capacitación de Instructores (Training of Trainers) - ENTRi Off-The-Shelf Training Package (Spanish)

Organization: Center for International Peace Operations
Country: World

La gestión de crisis y las misiones de mantenimiento de la paz dependen de la disponibilidad de personas bien preparadas.

El diseño y la realización de programas educativos bien estructurados y efectivos que satisfagan las necesidades organizativas y individuales dependen totalmente de las capacidades de los instructores encargados de impartir los conocimientos y las competencias necesarias a sus alumnos. Por esta razón, este paquete de formación gratuito debería ser una guía de buenas prácticas en el diseño y realización de la capitación.

Contiene información básica que ayudará a fortalecer y/o actualizar los conocimientos y habilidades del personal y de los expertos en el tema que imparten en todo el mundo.

El paquete de derechos humanos incluye:

  • Una Guía del Capacitación de ToT
  • Un Manual del Participante de ToT
  • Diapositivas de presentación del curso ToT
  • Plantillas de cursos de ToT (agenda, concepto del curso, información logística, lista de participantes)
  • Folletos de ToT

Al compartir las lecciones aprendidas, esperamos extender el impacto y el conocimiento a proyectos y generaciones futuras.

Compartiendo técnicas de capacitación efectivas, las metodologías probadas, los objetivos de aprendizaje fundamentales y las plantillas y los planes de sesiones, entre otros, pretendemos ahorrarle tiempo y recursos valiosos.

Obtenga más información y descargue el paquete:



Crisis management and peacebuilding missions rely on the availability of well-prepared individuals. The design and delivery of well structured, effective educational programmes that meet organisational and individual needs are wholly reliant upon the abilities of the trainers entrusted with imparting the requisite knowledge and skills to their learners. For this reason, this free training package aims to be a guide to good practice in designing and delivering training.

It contains core information that will help to strengthen and/or refresh the knowledge and skills of personnel and subject-matter experts delivering training events in civilian crisis management missions worldwide.

You will get access to:

  • a ToT Facilitator's Guide
  • a ToT Participant's Manual
  • ToT course presentation slides
  • ToT course templates (agenda, course concept, logistical information, participant list)
  • ToT handouts

By passing on the lessons that the ENTRi consortium partners have collected on their own and through their peers over many years of conducting training, we hope to extend the impact and knowledge to future projects and generations.

By sharing effective training techniques, tested methodologies, critical learning objectives, sample session plans and templates, amongst others, we aim at saving you precious time and resources.

Find out more and download the package:


How to register:

This training package has been developed to provide a sustainable and free resource to trainers and subject matter experts worldwide. Just click here for the English version, here for the French version or here for the Portuguese one.
Alternatively, click on the download button on the ENTRi packages website, fill out a short anonymous questionnaire and proceed to the download.

Climate-smart and Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture: Delivering on the New Challenge

Country: Myanmar
Organization: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction
Start date: 20 Oct 2020
End date: 25 Oct 2020
Registration deadline: 30 Sep 2020

The course is set in Myanmar where IIRR, in partnership with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Canada and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), has established climate-smart villages in four different agro-ecological and socio-cultural settings: Chin Shakta, Delta Ma Sein, Shan Nyaung Shwe, and Dryland Htee Puu. This course is intended for professionals in the government, non-government organizations, and private sector working on agriculture, food security, and nutrition programs. This course uses an innovative “roving workshop” methodology.


Malnutrition and hunger continue to afflict children and adults alike in developing countries affecting their growth, development and productivity. Undernutrition within the critical period of growth, if not address causes serious short- and long-term consequences to child’s development. Access and availability of nutritionally-dense food, which support nutrition, are threatened by environmental changes that are taking place. The agriculture sector continue to suffer from climate change impacts. Thus, the implementation of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) and nutrition-sensitive agriculture (NSA) concepts are appropriate in today’s context. CSA concepts facilitate the development of innovations and adaptation measures, taking into consideration local capacities and resources. Moreover, the course will feature practices by local farmers who are already implementing adaptation practices. NSA concepts and approaches ensure that agriculture programs generate food security and nutrition outcomes at the household level. You will also be introduced to the concept of Climate-Smart Villages (CSVs), which raises the awareness of farming communities on CSA’s technological, institutional, and policy options that can increase their resilience and productivity while reducing environmental foot prints.


By the end of this course, participants shall have:
• Gained thorough understanding of CSA and NSA concepts, principles and relevant approaches;
• Recognized the issues and impact of climate change to agricultural systems and rural communities;
• Acquired knowledge of participatory approaches in engaging communities to participate in community-based adaptation process; and
• Learned local adaptation practices implemented plus CSVs in different agro-ecological zones in Myanmar.
Module 1. Understanding Climate Smart Agriculture and Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture Concepts
The links between the development process, food insecurity and under nutrition, and the environment will be examined through conceptual frameworks. The role of agricultural systems in meeting the nutritional needs of families and communities will be explored.
Session 1: Trends on Food Security, Nutrition and Climate Change in Myanmar
Session 2: CSA and NSA Concepts

Module 2. Designing Programs and Engaging Communities for CSA/NSA Work
You will have an overview of participatory approaches useful in enhancing and designing food security and nutrition innovations and programs in consideration of climate change challenges. You will visit CSVs to be exposed to different agricultural systems and to interact with farmers/innovators and researchers.
Session 1: Building Social Capital

Session 2: The Climate-Smart Village Approach

Session 3: Methods & Tools in CSV Work

Module 3. Sustaining and Scaling CSA/NSA Programs

Different pathways to strengthen, sustain and scale up innovative CSA/NSA programs will be discussed. You will identify ways to utilize evidences to influence government policies and mainstream within the wider development sector
Session 1: General Concepts on Scaling Up and Scaling Out
Session 2: Pathways to Scaling Up and Scaling Out
Module 4. Action Planning

You will prepare an action plan identifying food security programs/activity taking into account your national or community’s food security context to strengthen people’s resilience in coping with threats to food security.Climate change adaptation and mitigation measures are to be integrated in the action plan.

Mandalay Region and Shan State, Myanmar

USD1,500.00 per participant (inclusive of board, lodging, airport transfers, and conference materials)
REGISTER NOW! Contact us

education.training@iirr.org I +63 46 419 8600 I +63 917 869 6213

How to register:

REGISTER NOW! Contact us

education.training@iirr.org I +63 46 419 8600 I +63 917 869 6213

Tracking Progress and Impacts via Participatory Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL)

Country: Philippines
Organization: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction
Start date: 15 Nov 2023
End date: 27 Nov 2023
Registration deadline: 8 Nov 2023

November 15-16 (Virtual Sessions)
November 20-27 (Face-to-Face Sessions)

This 10-day course, consisting of a blended 2 days virtual/webinars and 8 days face-to-face or onsite sessions, examines participatory monitoring, evaluation and learning (PMEL) to support program/project management and sustainability. PMEL is a strategy that strengthens participation, enhances local capacity, and increases local people’s confidence and control over development decisions and processes. This course also highlights key elements that enrich the PMEL process and system drawn from a range of significant experiences. Participants will be equipped with tested participatory methods, tools, and techniques.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, participants would have:

  1. A thorough understanding of the basic concepts, principles, and approaches to sustaining natural resource-based livelihoods and household food security and nutrition;
  2. Described strategic and effective ways of engaging communities and co-designing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework with them;
  3. Reflected on the application of participatory monitoring, evaluation and learning (PMEL) within the context of the participant's organization, program, or project, and Identified ways to improve current PMEL practices; and
  4. Formulated an action plan reflecting application of lessons learned and insights gained from the course in line with their national or community’s monitoring and evaluation system.


Module 1. Overview of PMEL and Organizational Learning
This module presents the concepts and principles of PMEL and the theoretical underpinnings of participatory approaches. It includes discussion of elements that support the establishment and maintenance of PMEL in the context of development

Module 2. Participatory Approaches, Tools and Methods

Program/project sustainability is linked to participation and ownership of stakeholders. This module focuses on different participatory approaches, methods, and tools that can be employed to effectively engage communities to be active actors and learners during the project period and beyond.

Module 3. Designing and Facilitating PMEL
This module will look into strategies in designing measurement frameworks with communities. Local actors must have a good understanding of the value of the PMEL process and the requirements in implementing it. The participant's facilitative role in the entire process and the necessary attitudes and skills to make PMEL possible are emphasized.

Module 4. Action Planning
Participants will analyze their own organization/program/ project situation and needs and apply key lessons learned from the course. They are expected to implement this when they return to their respective organizations/programs/projects.

The practical application of the participants’ knowledge and skills acquired from the PMEL course will be in communities in Cavite and Laguna.

How to register

Send your requests for application to: education.training@iirr.org

Enhancing Capacities on Nutrition-Sensitive Programming

Country: Philippines
Organization: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction
Start date: 16 Aug 2023
End date: 26 Aug 2023
Registration deadline: 11 Aug 2023


August 16-17 (Virtual sessions) / August 22-26 (Face-to-face sessions)

Course Description

This one-week blended course on Enhancing Capacities on Nutrition-Sensitive Programming is designed and will be implemented by the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR), in partnership with Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network (SUN CSN). SUN is a global movement that envisions a world free from malnutrition in all its forms. Led by governments, civil society, the United Nations, donors, businesses, and researchers, this collective action aims to ensure that every child, adolescent, mother, and families to realize their right to food and nutrition, reach their full potential, and shape sustainable and prosperous societies.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, participants shall have:

  • A thorough understanding of the State of the Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) recognizing the key issues or challenges and its impact to families and communities given the changing environment;
  • Described the concepts of nutrition-sensitive approach (NSA) and nutrition-sensitive programming (NSP), its importance, conceptual framework for action, principles and key strategies;
  • Identified strategic and effective ways in developing and managing nutrition-sensitive programs and interventions;
  • Described the participatory approaches in engaging communities to participate in community-based nutrition-sensitive programmes and projects; and
  • Formulated an action plan reflecting the application of lessons learned and insights gained from the course in line with their national or community’s food security and nutrition context.

Course Contents

Module 1. Understanding the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World

The participants will have an overview of the State of the World on Food Security and Nutrition. Focus will be in examining key issues or challenges causing food insecurity, under nutrition and the environment along with various interventions, programmes or projects initiated at global, national or at local levels in meeting food security and the nutritional needs of families and communities.

Session 1: Participants’ Sharing on Organizations’ Interventions, Programmes and Projects

Session 2: State of the Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI)

Module 2. Concepts and Framework of Nutrition-sensitive Approach (NSA) and Nutrition-sensitive Programming (NSP)

Nutrition and Food Security experts and practitioners will be invited to lead an interactive discussion to have a common understanding of basic concepts on NSA/NSP and have an overview of the importance, conceptual framework for action, principles and key strategies in nutrition-sensitive programming.

Session 1: Concepts and Framework for Action on Nutrition-Sensitive Programming

Session 2: An IIRR Experience: Strengthening Capacities on Nutrition-Sensitive Programming

Module 3. Developing and Managing Nutrition-Sensitive Programming

Through roving workshops, the participants will identify ways in developing and managing nutrition-sensitive programmes and projects. They will have an opportunity to learn from other participants on the participatory approaches they were engaged with in designing and enhancing food security and nutrition innovations and programmes or projects in consideration of climate change challenges. They will visit relevant nutrition sensitive program/project/ initiatives implemented by government institutions civil society organizations, and learn from their experiences.

Session 1: Developing and Managing Nutrition-Sensitive Programmes/Projects through Visits to Nutrition-sensitive Programmes/Projects/Initiatives

Module 4. Action Planning

The participants will prepare an action plan identifying programmes or activities taking into account their national or community’s food security and nutrition context to strengthen people’s resilience in coping with threats to food security. Should it be necessary, climate change adaptation and mitigation measures can be integrated in the action plan.

How to register

Send your requests for application to: education.training@iirr.org.

Climate-Smart Villages as Platforms for Community-Level Anticipatory Climate Adaptation to Improve Food Security and Resiliency: A Roving Workshop

Country: Philippines
Organization: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction
Start date: 19 Sep 2023
End date: 30 Sep 2023
Registration deadline: 11 Aug 2023
  • 19–20 September 2023: Virtual via Zoom
  • 25–30 September 2023: Face-to-face at SEARCA in Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines, and at the Yen Center of IIRR in Silang, Cavite, Philippines. The roving workshops will be in Bailen, General Emilio Aguinaldo in Cavite; Laguna province; and Pagbilao and Guinayangan in Quezon province.

Course Description

This 8-day blended course on Climate-Smart Villages (CSVs) as Platforms for Community-Level Anticipatory Climate Adaptation to Improve Food Security and Resiliency is designed and will be implemented by the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) in partnership with the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA). SEARCA has advocated for climate change adaptation and mitigation, food security, and nutrition security. In addition, it provides a venue for high-level discussions that may support policy advocacy and encourage organizations to learn from the best practices of their counterparts from the Southeast Asian region.

This course is designed for participants from the ASEAN Climate Resilience Network (ASEAN-CRN), providing participants from the ASEAN region to visit communities to witness first-hand how food systems-sensitive climate change adaptation (CCA) platforms are established, sustained, and scaled at community levels. This collaborative effort aims to enhance the capabilities of participants in the promotion, dissemination, and advocating for local platforms, climate-smart adaptations, and other related measures.

Course Objectives

  • Improve knowledge and understanding of the CSV approach as an adaptation platform for building community level capacities to cope with climate change, address livelihood and food security priorities;
  • Identify practical strategies and approaches relying on diversification and intensification as ways to reduce the risks of smallholder farmers to extreme weather, rising temperatures, and variable weather;
  • Understand the challenges and opportunities in adopting CSA that are unique to different agroecosystems (coastal, lowland and uplands);
  • Identify and understand the social, institutional, technical, and policy considerations in programming for climate change adaptation in CSVs; and
  • Formulate an action plan reflecting application of lessons learned and insights gained from the course in line with their national or community’s food and livelihood security and in addressing inclusiveness.


Module 1: Understanding the Climate-Smart Village (CSV) Approach for Building Capacities to Cope with Climate Change and the Practice of Establishing CSVs

The participants will have an overview of the CSV approach as an adaptation platform for building community-level capacities to cope with climate change, address livelihood and food security priorities. Participants will have an opportunity to share and learn at the same time, about their organizations’ interventions related to CCA and draw up lessons learned from the experience. They will learn about CCA approaches or options, efforts undertaken on community adaptation planning, in exploring partnerships with other organizations, the processes involved in setting up CSVs, the role of CSV support systems, and the importance of learning groups and participatory action researches.

Module 2. Strategies and Approaches to Reduce Risks to Climate Change and Understanding Challenges and Opportunities to Different Agroecosystems

Program/project sustainability is linked to participation and ownership of stakeholders. This module focuses on different participatory approaches, methods, and tools that can be employed to effectively engage communities to be active actors and learners during the project period and beyond.

Module 3. Reflection and Synthesis Workshop (Agroecosystem Specific Lessons)

From the field visit to the different clusters of agroecosystems in Guinayangan, Quezon Province and Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, Cavite, the participants will engage in a reflection and synthesis workshop to draw up lessons in relation to principles, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of interventions undertaken. These interventions, such as diversified agroforestry and mangrove restoration, link to enhancing biodiversity and de-risking ecosystems as a form of anticipatory adaptation to climate change. Relevant to the discussions in the community with small farmer holders and local partners, the participants will also look at scaling and sustainability approaches of interventions with considerations on communications, advocacy support and financing that all aim to help increase farm resilience while addressing social, institutional, technical and policy issues.

Module 4. Action Planning

The participants will prepare an action plan identifying programmes or activities along with the practical strategies and approaches that they will undertake upon their return to their country or community. They will include in their action plans, activities that are appropriate to their national or community’s food security priorities that can be generated from their reflection and synthesis workshop. Each participant will then later be asked to share their action plans in plenary to a panel of reactors that will take the lead in providing feedback or comments to the plans presented.

SEARCA in Los Baños, Laguna and at the Yen Center of IIRR in Silang, Cavite. The places to be visited for the roving workshops will be in Bailen, General Emilio Aguinaldo in Cavite, San Pablo City in Laguna, and Tiaong and Guinayangan in Quezon province.

How to register

Fill out the online application form through bit.ly/CSVCCA2023 and attach the following supporting documents:

The deadline for applications is on 11 August 2023.

If you have any questions, please send an email to training@searca.org or education.training@iirr.org

Tracking Progress and Impacts via Participatory Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL)

Country: Philippines
Organization: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction
Start date: 23 Oct 2024
End date: 1 Nov 2024
Registration deadline: 11 Oct 2024

November 15-16 (Virtual Sessions)
November 20-27 (Face-to-Face Sessions)

Course Description
This course is grounded on IIRR’s decades-long experience doing participatory monitoring, evaluation
and learning in Asia and Africa. This course is suitable for planning, monitoring and evaluation officers,
program/project officers, project managers, community organizers, research and extension officers,
community facilitators, and advocacy workers.

This 10-day course, consisting of a blended 2 days virtual/webinars and 8 days face-to-face or onsite sessions, examines participatory monitoring, evaluation and learning (PMEL) to support program/project management and sustainability. PMEL is a strategy that strengthens participation, enhances local capacity, and increases local people’s confidence and control over development decisions and processes.

This course also highlights key elements that enrich the PMEL process and system drawn from a range of significant experiences. Participants will be equipped with tested participatory methods, tools, and techniques.

Course Objectives
By the end of this course, participants shall have:

  • A thorough understanding of the concepts and principles of PMEL, and the
    theoretical underpinnings of participatory approaches and the elements that
    support the establishment and maintenance of PMEL in development
  • Described strategic and effective ways of engaging communities, codesigned
    a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework, and demonstrated
    its practical application with them;
  • Reflected on the application of participatory monitoring, evaluation and
    learning (PMEL) within the context of the participant's organization,
    program, or project, and Identified ways to improve current PMEL practices;
  • Formulated an action plan reflecting application of lessons learned and
    insights gained from the course in line with their national or community’s
    monitoring and evaluation system.

Module 1. Overview of PMEL and Organizational Learning
This module presents the concepts and principles of PMEL and the theoretical underpinnings of participatory approaches. It includes discussion of elements that support the establishment and maintenance of PMEL in the context of development organizations.

Module 2. Participatory Approaches, Tools and Methods
Program/project sustainability is linked to participation and ownership of stakeholders. This module focuses on different participatory approaches, methods, and tools that can be employed to effectively engage communities to be active actors and learners during the project period and beyond.

Module 3. Designing and Facilitating PMEL
This module will look into strategies in designing measurement frameworks with communities. Local actors must have a good understanding of the value of the PMEL process and the requirements in implementing it.

Through actual field practice, the participants will facilitate roles in the entire monitoring, evaluation and
learning process and apply the necessary skills and attitudes to make PMEL possible;

Module 4. Action Planning
Participants will analyze their own organization/program/project situation and needs and apply key lessons learned from the course. They are expected to implement this when they return to their respective organization/program/project.

How to register

Apply now!
Send your requests for application to: education.training@iirr.org

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